Driving Stablecoin Adoption: Corion and Syscoin Foundation Enter Partnership

The Netherlands, Eindhoven: The Syscoin Foundation is pleased to announce their new partnership with the non-profit Corion Foundation. Our world needs access to swift, safe, low-cost OpenFinance solutions. With this partnership, both foundations aim to achieve this shared vision together. 

The foundations of Corion and Syscoin will coordinate campaigns to educate and spread awareness using AMAs, Webinars, Working Groups, or other means. They will also work together on marketing and certain business development initiatives.

Syscoin and Corion see that with the right solutions asset-backed digital tokens on the blockchain will create more efficient and beneficial economies. Lower costs, easier compliance, greater convenience for users, and more participation. Our combined focus will include specific stablecoins, DeFi, and helping the unbanked and over-banked. Together we will drive wider adoption of blockchain technology. - Jag Sidhu, Syscoin Foundation Chairman

Both foundations are currently working together to assess Syscoin Bridge as a decentralized cross-chain interoperability solution for CorionX (CORX), Corion’s ERC-20 token and other Stablecoins on Ethereum, to provide cheaper and faster transactions enabled by Syscoin’s unique Z-DAG Protocol, and robust security offered by Syscoin’s blockchain which is bitcoin-core-compliant and merge-mined.

CorionX will be available across the globe. It creates the global framework for education, expansion, and promotion for the usage of stablecoins, CBDCs, crypto saving, lending, OpenFinance and DeFi. Corion Foundation’s #MoneyInTheRightDirection Movement aims to succeed in the paradigm shift towards use of crypto, digital and programmable money. Using the CorionX utility token on a daily basis has many benefits through partnerships and white label solutions. Token holders receive Loyalty Staking Rewards quarterly.

This partnership will expand crypto and stablecoin use-cases, and help millions of people and crypto communities use CorionX and Syscoin services worldwide. It presents an amazing opportunity for both partners to empower the crypto community to use professional portfolio management and alerts for their digital assets investments, and to make cryptocurrency savings and investment more mainstream. - Miklos Denkler, Corion Foundation Board Member

About Corion Foundation:

Corion Foundation, a non-profit organization, was founded in 2016. It was created with the aim of helping the development and spread of stablecoins and reliable cryptocurrencies across the world. Corion Foundation aims to encourage world-wide adoption of stablecoins, DeFi, CBDCs and to help people to gain access to swift and a safe, cheap OpenFinance. We are supporting all communities and projects working on such developments and focusing on clients acquisition and infrastructure. Corion Foundation is here to create a common platform for such projects, as their mainstream adoption is their main  target.

About Syscoin Foundation:

Officially founded on December 11th, 2018, the Syscoin Foundation is a non-profit organization that represents the Syscoin core development team, secures the code repositories, and oversees public relations for the protocol. Its goal is to expedite the global adoption of blockchain technology by demonstrating the unique decentralization features offered by Syscoin Platform.

Websites: CorionX, Syscoin

Aug 13, 2020 by Syscoin Foundation, Corion Foundation, SMT