Syscoin Weekly Update #76

This weekly update is written by the Syscoin Development and Marketing Team (SDMT) to bring you all the latest Syscoin, Blockchain Foundry and SDMT news.

Syscoin and BCF News

Jag Sidhu Published in CoinTelegraph

Syscoin lead dev, Jag Sidhu, has been published on the CoinTelegraph website, a leading source of crypto news and information. In his article he discusses the next wave of crypto adoption, and how interoperability may have a big part to play in it. Check it out below!

SYS Added to BitcoinWisdom

Syscoin has been added to popular charting site, You can now view Binance markets for BTC and ETH.

CryptoBriefing Article

Syscoin Bridge got a healthy mention in this recent CyrptoBriefing article. Dive in to find out how interoperability will play an important role in Ethereum's future.

Syscoin Mentioned in CoinTelegraph

Another great mention on CoinTelegraph, this time in the context of advances in cryptography, and how they will help shape the future of crypto.

Syscoin in Masternode Buzz Top 10

Syscoin masternodes feature again in this week's Masternode Buzz Top 10

Dan & Jag AMA

The date for the next live video AMA with Dan and Jag will be announced soon. Join our Discord channel and be first to find out.

Follow Syscoin on Twitter

Please follow our Twitter account for all the official and latest news releases.

Mar 5, 2020 by SDMT