Syscoin Weekly Update #51

This weekly update is compiled by SDMT to bring you the latest Syscoin, SDMT and Blockchain Foundry news. For more information about the Syscoin Platform please visit

Syscoin, SDMT, and BCF News

Syscoin 4.0 Successfully Launched

The Syscoin 4.0 release was a success last week and everyone seems to have made a smooth transition to the new chain. Props to the community mods and helpers who expedited this upgrade via the Discord #help channel (if you are having issues with anything please join Discord and head there). Please note the current Qt wallet software is 4.0.1 and you MUST upgrade before the end of June or your wallet will stop functioning.

Here’s a round-up of the launch and the new tech it brings to the table.

SDMT at BlockNorth Block Party II

Michiel and Reiner from Syscoin Development and Marketing Team (SDMT) flew over to the UK from the Netherlands last week to attend our partner organisation at their Block Party II event. Dan Wasyluk gave a great introduction to Syscoin with detail on some exciting real-world use cases.  A good mix of companies, universities, and professional investors attended this event; during the event and the following day Michiel and Reiner made some great connections and in general a lot of interest for Syscoin Platform was indicated. To be continued … 

Jag Sidhu Interviewed on EventChain

Jag dives into some technical details during this in-depth interview with Ashton Addison from EventChain.

LODE Custom Spark Wallet Released

LODE have released their fully-customised AGXPay Spark wallet. This is a significant step as it proves the BlockChain-developed bespoke wallet can be re-skinned and delivered for use by Syscoin Platform Token creators and their users.

Update your Masternodes

If you haven’t already, please update your masternode(s) to run on the new Syscoin 4.0 chain. Masternodes that aren’t updated will not receive SYS rewards. The update process will involve setting up new nodes from scratch; it is not possible to re-use collateral and transaction IDs from the Syscoin 3.0 chain. For best results we recommend that you use the install script provided in this official update guide

Update your Qt Wallets

The latest version of the Qt wallet is 4.0.1. If you are running version 4.0 please update. This is a mandatory upgrade, if you do not update prior to the next governance superblock (approx June 28th) your wallet will stop working.

New Syscoin Platform Token Wallets

We now have two new wallets for keeping your Syscoin tokens safe: Syscoin Fusion, an open-source desktop client developed by the Syscoin Development and Marketing Team (SDMT), and Syscoin Spark, a closed-source desktop client developed by Blockchain Foundry. Both wallets incorporate all of the functionality of the Syscoin ecosystem.

Check the 4.0 release article for more info on these wallets.

SYSHub Updated

To keep in line with the release of Syscoin 4.0, the developers at Syscoin Development and Marketing Team (SDMT) have delivered a freshly revamped and upted version of SYSHub, where you can submit and monitor governance proposals, and catdach up on the new latest Syscoin news and masternode information.

New Syscoin 4.0 Blockchain Explorer

Blockchain Foundry have also released a brand new, fully-featured, explorer for SYS and SPTs - check it out here

Masternode Hosting Services

Pooled and dedicated nodes are now available on EvoNodes and on Snode.

Syscoin Added to RACODEX Exchange

AiBB Wallet Updated for Syscoin 4.0

The AiBB wallet has been updated to support Syscoin 4.0 - download it here.

Exchange Updates

Bittrex are now back online with support for Syscoin 4.0.

Withdraws and deposits are still currently suspended at Binance.

Summary of the weekly AMA with Dan

Q: Will there be specific (pro) marketing for sys4?
A: Yep the Syscoin Foundation is working on that component and we've helped them with a budget there too. We did a session at BlockNorth on Friday, and there are other events planned as well.

Q: Any practical applications with real life businesses already planned for SYS 4?
A: We have several in the works

Q: Would be  really safe if, like ada, we can store the sys on a ledger device and have it used as collateral for a masternode. Is that too much work or too impractical for the sys team?
A: It’s a significant amount of work but it’s something we will be putting forward a proposal for, will be up to community/masternode holders to decide what gets built and when.

Q: Dan, are you working towards integrating Syscoin on Archos Safe-T devices?
A: Yep we are working on it for a client, we have electrum ready which is the first step, now we just need to update a few things in archos firmware and it should be ready to go. This should pave the way for ledger as well once they accept the PR. Still a few weeks off though, Archos takes at least a week to issue a new firmware release after we submit it to them.

SCMT Twitter account

For all the official and latest news releases please follow us for all the latest community news via our SCMT Twitter account, as well as hot-off-the-press Syscoin and BCF updates. The Syscoin team will also share our posts via their official social networking channels, to help spread the word. For more information visit

Jun 12, 2019 by SDMT