Syscoin Weekly Update X.

This Week’s Video: Why We Build: The Case for Altcoins


In this video, we would like to introduce you to a new series titled, Why We Build. The purpose of this series is to explain some of the bigger ideas behind Syscoin and blockchain or crypto technologies and appeal to a wider audience beyond the Syscoin Community. We are not planning on making these episodes consecutively, because we also use this platform to explain technical details and features of Syscoin or important partnerships, so don’t be surprised if next week’s video does not follow this theme. If you like the direction we take for the Why We Build series, be sure to provide feedback in the comment section, and as always, your ‘likes’ to the videos and ‘subscribes’ to the channel are appreciated, as is sharing it with your friends.

SYS Interest Picques on LBank


On February first, the exchange published its most popular search results for January 29th through the 31st. Our native token, SYS, led the pack, which is an indication people are beginning to notice the advancements we are making as we trailblaze our way to being the first mainnet featuring rollups on our Layer 2 in combination with our proprietary Proof-of-Data Availability solution in order to achieve economies of scale, and the only ecosystem built on the security of Bitcoin via the process of merged mining. 

Hotep Jesus Champions Syscoin


Recently, Hotep Jesus followed up his endorsement of Syscoin with a short video about us on his Twitter account. Hotep Jesus and his followers known as Hotep Nation are proponents of freedom of thought and the value of decentralization, which is why he was first a fan of Bitcoin. Syscoin fulfills the promises of Bitcoin and expands them by adding EVM-compliant smart contract functionality, which is what initially attracted Hotep Jesus to our mission. If you are not already, be sure to follow his Twitter account as we continue to make waves together.

Cillionaire Highlights Syscoin


Last Friday, Cillionaire, an influencer focused on covering the crypto industry with a commitment to substance, included Syscoin in his list of the top five ZK-Rollup projects. ZK-Rollups are poised to completely change the face of blockchain as they are a crucial part of delivering the scale required to achieve mass adoption. It is worth noting Syscoin is the only project listed that has a data availability solution, which is required to make the most of rollups.

Syscoin’s Prowess, Rooted in Modularity


A popular subject of our weekly updates, House of Chimera, noted the importance Syscoin’s modular architecture plays in setting us apart and allowing us to reach technical capabilities unseen anywhere else thanks to how efficiently it allows our network to perform.

Syscoin and SupraOracles Join Forces to Onboard the World to Web3


Also on Monday, we announced our partnership with SupraOracles to bring Web3 to the world. The partnership will leverage each other's resources and expertise to build the fastest, most secure, and trustworthy Web3 apps. Syscoin will benefit from SupraOracles' ultrafast finality oracle services, while SupraOracles will aid in implementing ZKPs for scalability. Syscoin's roadmap includes ZK-Rollups, Validium, Optimistic Rollups, and a DAO for governance-free treasury management. The collaboration aims to create a decentralized, data-driven society for everyone.

If you haven’t already, read the full announcement here.

Feb 8, 2023 by Syscoin Foundation