Syscoin Weekly Update XXV.

Weekly Video: Unlocking Tomorrow: The Dawn of Rollux and a New Blockchain Era

In this week's exciting video, we invite you to envision a future where blockchain technology becomes an integral part of daily life. This isn't just about updating you on our latest features; it's about igniting a spark for the future, one where the blockchain trilemma of security, scalability, and decentralization is resolved.

Rollux is the embodiment of this vision. It's not just a product or token but a step towards making this dream a reality. By harnessing Bitcoin's proven foundation, incorporating the best of Ethereum, and leveraging the power of Proof-of-Data Availability (PoDA) and rollups, Rollux is geared to deliver a scalable blockchain ready for mass adoption.

But this journey requires more than just our efforts - it requires a committed community of pioneers, enthusiasts, and believers ready to shape the future. Join us on this transformative journey with Syscoin and Rollux. Together, we can unlock the potential of blockchain technology and shape a better tomorrow. Stay tuned for more updates on our progress and join us in this exciting leap into the future.

KleverSafe Hardware Wallet

If you’re in the market for a new hardware wallet, consider the new KleverSafe. Now that Klever K5 has added support for NEVM $SYS, this asset can be stored in the KleverSafe. Featuring a simple design, intuitive setup, offline private key, and the highest security standard to protect you keys, bluetooth pairing with the Klever Wallet app and USB-C for a hardwired connection, the KleverSafe provides all the bells and whistles one might hope to find in a hardware wallet.

Critical Pali Wallet Announcement

Last week, we shined a light on the upcoming upgrade the Pali Wallet will undergo as V2 comes to life. (Pali Wallet is like MetaMask built specifically for the Syscoin ecosystem.) With this, there are important steps current Pali Wallet users must take in order to protect their assets and prepare for the transition to V2. This is a mandatory upgrade and V1 of Pali will no longer be available once V2 is released. This is not a process that should not simply be skimmed over, so please follow the complete instructions given in the tweet below if you currently use Pali Wallet. 

To remain updated on the latest information regarding Pali Wallet, you can always follow its Twitter Account and check their website.

Why should you be excited for the next edition of Pali Wallet? Perhaps this video will help elucidate the matter for you.

New Rollux Video Just Dropped

We know you’re ready for the mainnet release date, and we can’t wait to give it to you. In the meantime, we hope you don’t mind us continuing to tell people why it’s worth the wait. If you’re low on hype, check out this quick promo video for a refill.

SuperDapp’s Encryption More Relevant

Meta, the company behind Facebook, Instagram, and more, recently received a $1.3 billion fine for improperly handling user data. It’s worth noting this case has been ongoing since 2013, so although Meta’s actions occurred long ago, the issue of how applications and companies handle user data is as relevant as ever. 

Privacy is often the first right sacrificed after accepting Terms of Service to use an app, but it doesn’t need to be. This is why SuperDapp, the AI-powered social dapp being built by SYS Labs gives users powerful end-to-end encryption to protect their communication. This feature alongside video calling, a built-in wallet, integrated shopping, groups, and your own personal AI assistant, is part of what makes SuperDapp the Web3 killer dapp people have been waiting for.

Would you like to know more about SYS Labs' SuperDapp? Check out the latest House of Chimera Twitter Space featuring our own Jagdeep Sidhu to listen to the longest in-depth talk we've released regarding SuperDapp so far. You can listen to it at you own convenience below.

Alex G. on Rollux’s Superiority

Are you tired of being sold the “necessity” of $50 transaction fees from other chains? Does more expensive really mean something is better, or is it just a rip-off that makes you a sucker? Syscoin Business Developer, Alex Guerra, takes aim at the silliness persisting in this space and makes an appeal to reason for why Rollux is actually necessary. Enjoy the short for yourself below.

Hotep Jesus Previews Web3 Gaming

ESR 24/7 Esports Network has been steadily releasing snippets of their upcoming documentary about Web3 Gaming with footage they organized at Consensus in Austin. Although the complete documentary will not be available until mid-June, you can take a sneak peak whenever you like by following their tweets.

May 24, 2023 by Syscoin Foundation